Thursday, September 30, 2010

The End

Wow it has truly been a long 10 weeks but I have made it to the end. When I ask myself did I do my best the answer would be no. There have been so many personal issues that I have had to deal with, lets just say that I know that I could have done better. What I can say is that I was determined to make it and I did. At the age of 33 I am still learning that anything I put my mind to doing I can . Anything worth having is worth working hard for. My education is so important in the scheme of things, and in the end all of the blood, sweat, and tears will be worth it. I have learned so much this term and can say that I am truly comfortable with the online experience. I have met a few friends and had the pleasure of dealing with a professor that I feel was almost heaven sent . Life can only get better! I wish you all sucess in any and everything that you are persuing professionally and personally . Let's all be success stories!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

     Am I the only student that has issues with Kaplan's financial aid department? Being a single parent who is unemployed I opted to apply for the additional educational expense. I started classes last November and have never received this money when I was supposed to, and eveyone I speak with gives different information. I have worked in call centers as a customer service representative and I just hope, no let me say that I know that I was never rude to a customer and tried to help as much as I could . Everyone that I speak with acts as though I have no right to ask when these funds will be sent to me . They give you these disbursement dates and lets just say that it is almost ten weeks later. I bet if I owed money they would send my account to collections in that ten weeks time. What can be done at this point, nothing I am told. I just think this is really unfair and I am almost pretty sure I am not the only one having these problems.
     Ultimately I was approved for these funds and have to pay them back once completing school, but they talk to you like they are just giving you the money. The academic advising has been wonderful always willing to help, Kaplan's financial aid department needs to really work on the quality of service they provide and making sure information that is given is accurate and timely.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

When reflecting on this term I must say that I just don't know how I have made it . Since starting classes at Kaplan I can truly say that without a doubt this has been the most trying term. It is almost like I am being tested to see when and if I will break! Newsflash over the years I have definitely learned that anything worth having is worth working hard for so I am here for the long haul. No one ever said that it would be easy and it hasn't been. Me being the person that I am and knowing all the things that I know, when that day comes diploma in hand it all would have been worth every tear.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thank you all

Wow this is week seven in class and I am still making it . Although things have been rough my determination is so strong I refuse to quit. Each lesson that is learned reminds me that in the end I will be a stronger person and that I can do anything that I put my mind to. Everything happens for a reason and although we may not know why things happen we can rejoice in the strength that is gained. Weeks ago I was contemplating quitting and now we are almost at the end of the term.I just want to thank you all for your well wishes and just for listening. A very special thanks to Professor Pal who told me to hang in there and to let her know if I needed her . She is truly special and so are all of you. Let me leave you all with a motivational quote that helps me through.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

Gail Devers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

patient confidentiality

The staff at my gyn's office definitely needs to take a lesson on patient confidentiality and how it can be violated "accidentally". Once my vitals were taken I was placed in a room where there was a computer with a patient's medical records still in plain view. Not only did I know the patient, she was my beautician. As I sat down I saw the patient was placed on an antibiotic due to testing positive for a STD. As I looked away I saw the patient's name and date of birth and instantly knew who she was. The thing that came to mind was how could one of these healthcare professionals be so negligent? Then I wondered if my medical records have ever been available "accidentally" where another patient could possibly view them. This reminded me of all those lessons in Medical Law and Bioethics on patient confidentiality and what we as healthcare professionals can do to prevent these "accidents". Me knowing what I do about patient confidentiality would never mention to my beautician that I was able to she her PHI, but I sure will let the office staff know what I saw and what they as professionals need to do. Let's all remember to protect our patients at all times and in all places.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

South Carolina Division of Child Support

Tell me how it is states don't enforce child support? I have a daughter that is 14 years old and her father has not paid any support in eight years. They scheduled him for a contempt hearing and that jerk didn't even show up. The courts issued a capias for him meaning he will be arrested, but what good is that? How does this help me really? Well thinking about it he's not helping me at all so maybe he should sit in jail. What is wrong with the system that would allow someone to go that long without paying? Does the system wonder how these children eat, where they sleep, if they have clothes on their backs, medicine if needed. My child support worker often speaks to me in this tone like you again. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot what she would feel and how she would deal with situation? I know that she needs a course in communications maybe she should enroll at Kaplan she needs it!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

South Carolina mother suffocates and drives children in the river

Today while watching CNN I became aware of a mother who suffocated her children and then drove them into a river. Who does this? What happened to loving your children and doing everything to protect them? I have never been one to be judgemental but come on! Again who does that? Being a single parent and the sole provider to three daughters I know that things can be rough and you may feel like you won't make it ...she should have prayed. Please have mercy on her soul.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Although I feel beat and battered with the troubles of everyday I life I go on. Eventually things will get better ,I just have to keep going. All that I hope for is within arms reach... so much more work to do. In the end it will all be worth it. Knowing what I do I just keep in mind that things will not always be this way.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Have you ever wondered why things happen the way that they do? Especially when you are really trying to do things in the correct manner. Since starting school I have done so well, and have definitely been in a good place with myself. I see the big picture and lets say that it looks pretty good. Well sometimes the past can haunt you and put big bumps in your path. As much as I tell myself everything happens for a reason some things make no senese at all. I keep telling myself things will not always be this way and that everything is a learning experience, however enough is enough. With all the chaos in my everyday life school was the one thing I felt was going the way that it should. In spite of it all I am determined so I will pray and find my way.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lets just say that with all that is going on I am feeling a little overwhelmed . Hopefully this week will go by rather quickly. Anyone that can lend a few kind words I would appreciate it. Hope that you week has started out better than mine.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hello to you all! Let me say that I am looking forward to interacting will you  all in seminars, discussion,and  your blogs . I have never blogged before so this a new and welcomed experience. Let me say good luck to you all and let's get started.