Tuesday, August 24, 2010

South Carolina Division of Child Support

Tell me how it is states don't enforce child support? I have a daughter that is 14 years old and her father has not paid any support in eight years. They scheduled him for a contempt hearing and that jerk didn't even show up. The courts issued a capias for him meaning he will be arrested, but what good is that? How does this help me really? Well thinking about it he's not helping me at all so maybe he should sit in jail. What is wrong with the system that would allow someone to go that long without paying? Does the system wonder how these children eat, where they sleep, if they have clothes on their backs, medicine if needed. My child support worker often speaks to me in this tone like you again. I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot what she would feel and how she would deal with situation? I know that she needs a course in communications maybe she should enroll at Kaplan she needs it!

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