Thursday, September 30, 2010

The End

Wow it has truly been a long 10 weeks but I have made it to the end. When I ask myself did I do my best the answer would be no. There have been so many personal issues that I have had to deal with, lets just say that I know that I could have done better. What I can say is that I was determined to make it and I did. At the age of 33 I am still learning that anything I put my mind to doing I can . Anything worth having is worth working hard for. My education is so important in the scheme of things, and in the end all of the blood, sweat, and tears will be worth it. I have learned so much this term and can say that I am truly comfortable with the online experience. I have met a few friends and had the pleasure of dealing with a professor that I feel was almost heaven sent . Life can only get better! I wish you all sucess in any and everything that you are persuing professionally and personally . Let's all be success stories!

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